October was a little LESS SPOOKY for me this year. It was my first attempt at entering the online Fray of daily art posting. I did not post everyday. I just can’t. How can all of the other artists?!? I always have 16 places to be and 25 things to do. I did do it pretty regularly tho and it felt good. I did not avail myself of the prompt-a-palooza that is Inktober to Mabgraves… to Drawlloween … it’s all great stuff..I just had to go where my brain took me. I just remembered the costumes I wore and how they felt at the timed how I felt when I wore them. It was fun. I drew from memory not photos but dug up a few of the pics to see how close I captured reality from memory. I hope in Dec to do something for the Holidaze.
I had 6 surgeries on my drawing hand from 2016- 2017. It took 2 years after that to work my way through nerve damage and all kinds of drawing mishegoss. Drawing every day is the best thing for it. It’s been a journey. Isn’t that just the way?
First Halloween Costume I remember. My Mom told me it was blue, not pink. Makes sense. Hand me down from older brother. The whole home movie, I struggle to not fall backwards or forwards with the giant noggin and ears. Luckily my butt was heavily padded between diaper and pom pom tail.
I am terrified of clowns. Here I am terrified by myself.
My little cousin Heather cried the whole time we Trick or Treated. It severely impacted the candy haul.
Pilgrim with a coat on, I know, I know, it’s serious. That twirly black dress would make a comeback.
So much better as a witch! With my first Kitty (familiar), Tinkerbelle.
1977. Everyone was Process Leia. I was Peter Pan with a Dorothy Hamill haircut. Oh the humanity.
1978 - Grease was the word!!! I didn’t have a pink satin jacket to be a Pink Lady.. so I wore my blue one. It was the first time we made a costume out of what we had.. my saddle shoes, jeans, my roller skating jacket, a leotard and Mom’s old scarf.
The last year of my parent’s Diner in Manasquan , NJ. Sometimes, kids’ families have businesses and holidays fall on work days. It was still fun! “ALICE” was on TV and I got to say “Kiss MY Grits” to everyone!
The last year of the Jersey Shore.. racing out of childhood. Xanadu was the movie and roller skating was everything. I learned to make ribbon barrettes and do my hair like Olivia Newton John. I just wore my dance clothes with my skates and all of the band aids on my knees.
11,12,13.. Middle School. I was unhappy. We had moved. I loved to dress up and it was not such a big deal up north in NJ. I clowned around in 6th, was channeling my inner artiste in 7th and went back to the 50’s in 8th grade. I did discover red lipstick and hot rollers!!
Let me know some of your favorite costumes from your childhood !!